Government Polytechnic, Awasari (Kh.)
शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, अवसरी (खु.)
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About Us
Organisational Structure
Office Staff
NBA Accredited Programs
Automobile Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
E&TC Engineering
Information Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Science & Humanities
Student Section
Admission Details
Fee Structure
Online Fees Payment
Vidya Lakshmi Portal
Facilities Feedback
Alumni Home
Alumni Registration
Alumni Events
Alumni Committee
Training & Placement
T&P Cell
Placement Details
Professional Societies
IEI Students Chapter
IEI Report 2022-23
Feedback To AICTE
Quotation For supply of four wheeler vehicle on rental basis for institute
Enquiry Quotation for gas cylinder pipeline maintenance
Enquiry Quotation Photography of the annual gathering function
Enquiry quotation for calibration of CTM,UTM and Proving Ring Date
Invitation of Quotation for supply of sound system,Lights and Musical Instruments on rental basis
Quotation for photographs and Video arrangements for NBA compliance of the Computer department
Enquiry Quotation for laboratory of Electrical department
Invitation of quotation for students ID-Card
Corrigendum1-extension of quotation submission gas pipeline maintenance
Contact Us
To equip the students through soft skills and relevant professional guidance imbibing moral values, Sincerity and Ethics for pursuing excellent career opportunities in industry and higher studies for their betterment.
To guide students for choosing right career by providing assistance indeveloping career interest and Soft skills.
Coordinate with industries to identify their requirements and expectations and facilitate themfor conducting campus recruitment drive.
Maintain and update regularly the database of students and companies for establishing strategic links for campus recruitments.
To create awareness and motivate the rural masses for self-entrepreneurship.
Notice Board
Bajaj Auto Campus Interview
Bosch Chassis System Campus Interview
Dana Anand Campus Interview
A Message From TPO
The Training and Placement cell acts as a facilitator to provide guidance for career opportunities in private, public or government sectors and tries to provide best match between the diploma pass-outs and the industry requirements. The cell maintains close liaison with various reputed industrial establishments which conduct campus recruitment programs and select diploma students from all disciplines. The placement cell provides infra-structural facilities to conduct group discussion, aptitude test and interviews.Expert Lectures, Seminars and workshops are conducted to promote the entrepreneurship qualities among the students and enhance Industry-Institute interactions. For placements Training and Placement Cell approaches the industries or industries place their requirement of diploma hiring to the institutes. The campus recruitments process followed by-
• Registrations of students as per eligibility criteria or demand given by the company.
• Online/ Off-line Aptitude test and/or Group discussion.
• Pre-placement talk for shortlisted students.
• Final Technical/Personal Interview.
Dr. Aniruddha Anil Wagire
Training & Placement Officer
Industrial training in reputed industries is arranged for various disciplines through Training and Placement Cell to fulfil the curriculum requirements and provide industrial exposure to the students. Expert lectures of industry persons and alumni are arranged to expose the students to the latest technology trends and educate them on capabilities required to deal with current demand.
Training and Placement cell maintains a well-equipped seminar hall having audio visual facility with the state of the art infrastructure. The seminar hall is used for conducting campus interviews, seminars,expert lectures, training programs/workshops. The online tests are conducted in computer laboratory of the institute by the third parties appointed by the industries.
Our Recruiters